A new ambulance, school honors involving a sword and an easter egg hunt mark just some of the photos from the week of April 10, 2022.
Floydada NHS member Brandon Marquez taps Azaylee Santos on the shoulder as part of Sunday's induction ceremony as Edgar Cervera, Kylie Fipps and Anthony Garcia look on. (Ryan Crowe/FCR)
Floydada's Kirsten Pyle attempts the Pole Vault at Area track and field at Charles Tyer Stadium on April 14, 2022. (Ryan Crowe/FCR)
A look inside Floydada EMS' new ambulance 1503, now in service. (Ryan Crowe/FCR)
110th District Attorney Legal Assistant Penny Ogden cuts the cake celebrating her 40th year of working for Floyd County on April 11, 2022 (Ryan Crowe/FCR)
Floydada's Jayson Cooper in his Long Jump attempt at Area track and field at Charles Tyer Stadium on April 14, 2022. (Ryan Crowe/FCR)
The Floydada Lady Winds in action against the Sudan Nettes on April 12, 2022. (Ryan Crowe/FCR)
Two 3-inch binders make up the Floyd County Emergency Management plans and procedures, and are kept up-to-date by Sheriff Paul Raissez (Ryan Crowe/FCR)
The Lady Winds scored 11 runs in their first inning of play against Sudan on April 12, 2022. (Ryan Crowe/FCR)
The Whirlwinds in action against the Post Antelopes on April 12, 2022 at Watson Field. (Ryan Crowe/FCR)
The Lockney Longhorns in action at Hale Center on April 8, 2022 (Cervantes Photography/Used with permission)
The Lockney Lady Horns in action at Hale Center on April 8, 2022. (Cervantes photography/used with permission)
Lockney's Caleb Pritchard and family poses for photographs after he signs with Wayland Baptist University on April 15, 2022. (Nick Long/FCR)
FCISD Students and Staff recognized at the April 14, 2022 board meeeting. (Sonya Glass/FCISD)
Kids took home a number of eggs in Saturday's Easter Egg hunt in Floydada. (Rebekah Crowe/For the Record)