LOCKNEY – Sisters Nichole Schmalzried and Kayla Sherman are “The Outcome” – a multi-faceted ministry serving multiple communities in the area. Part of that ministry is a new clothing and supply closet opened near Sherman’s home in Lockney.
For more information on The Outcome and its clothing closet, visit IAmTheOutcome.net
On The Record: The Outcome
The Outcome - a ministry started by sisters Nichole Schmalzried and Kayla Sherman - recently opened a sharing closet in front of Kayla's Lockney home. The sisters credit growing up in the community and being taught the importance of service, as well as their faith, as reasons to open the doors of the new venture. (Ryan Crowe/FCR)
The Outcome's closet features clothing, toys, shoes and essential hygiene items. "Things the whole family needs," says Kayla.(Ryan Crowe/FCR)
"These kids that are here within our communities, we can reach out and try to make an impact in their lives. They’re going to go out into the world and if we can try to make that impact on these kids, to where it does change their life where they are able to go out and make a good impact on the world, then we’re doing what we were called to do," says Nichole. (Ryan Crowe/FCR)
The sisters credit the assistance of Lockney Elementary School in getting the word out on the closet. "Having the school as a support has ben a great way to get to the families," says Kayla. (Ryan Crowe/FCR)
As for what drove them to open the closet, Nichole said it was their belief in Christ. "Faith is the foundation of it, we’re here to expand God’s kingdom. There’s not any more important work." (Ryan Crowe/FCR)
"We want people to feel like this is not just for the needy, it’s for everyone… Our doors are open, we want everybody to feel comfortable to come and get the things that they need at the particular moment that they need it," says Kayla. (Ryan Crowe/FCR)
On what they want people to know most, Nichole says they want The Outcome to be "A place where everyone’s accepted… We hope that you pay it forward after you take it out of our hands." (Ryan Crowe/FCR)
Kayla says it's also important their children understand why they are doing this work. "Service has to be part of their growing up, it’s not something that’s just done at Christmas time. They know that these are things we’re doing to help our community." (Ryan Crowe/FCR)
In addition to having clothing available, the sisters plan to being offering story times and kids activities that will give parents a chance to go through the closet. Plans are also in place to open a similar closet in Tulia. (Ryan Crowe/FCR)
Currently, donations are accepted at with a trunk at the back of The Closet. And anyone can both donate and request items. "We need to reach out to the people across the street. There’s people in our communities that are really struggling that don’t always reach out for services," says Nichole. (Ryan Crowe/FCR)
The closet is available by appointment. You can find information at IAmTheOutcome.net (Ryan Crowe/FCR)