Floydada Little League Season Begins With 15 Games


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FLOYDADA, TX – The first pitch of the 2023 season for the Floydada Little League Association will be thrown out Saturday, with 15 games scheduled.

Opening ceremonies begin at 1:00 pm, although there are three games prior to that, starting with a coach pitch baseball game at 10:30 am, a coach pitch softball game at 11:00 am, and a minor league baseball game beginning at 11:00 am.

Jordan Cornelius is serving as President of the Association.

Games will be played on April 1st, 2023 at Floydada Fields.

Coach Pitch Baseball-10:30 AM – Rattlers vs Lockney
Coach Pitch Softball-11:00 AM- Unicorns vs TBA
Minor Baseball- 11:00 AM – Crickets vs Valley
Junior Softball-1:30PM-Floydada SB JR vs Ralls Rage
T-Ball- 2:00 PM – Rockies vs Astros
Coach Pitch Baseball- 2:00 PM -Silverton vs Ralls
Minor Baseball- 2:00 PM- Bandits vs Ralls
Junior Baseball- 2:45 PM- Valley JR BB vs Ralls
TBall-3:00 PM- Red Sox vs Silverton 1
Coach Pitch Baseball-3:30 PM Valley vs Sod Poodles
T-Ball- 4:00 PM- Rangers vs Valley
Coach Pitch Softball- 4:00 PM- Mambas vs Valley
Major Baseball – 5:00 PM- Valley vs Ralls
Major Baseball- 7:00 PM- Silverton vs Lockney

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