Future of Inland Waterway Projects Hinges on Senate


Locks and dams on the upper Mississippi River (Photo All Ag News)

WASHINGTON, DC – The Senate is expected to take up the annual 2023 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) this week.

Though it rarely has anything to do with agriculture, a bit of wrangling from members of the House to pass the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) of 2022 as a part of the $858 billion NDAA makes permanent the current cost-share for inland waterways projects.

The final WRDA 2022 ensures the cost-share formula for inland waterway construction projects will only require 35 percent from the general Treasury fund and 65 percent from the Inland Waterway Trust Fund, removing a provision that would sunset the cost-share back to 50-50 in 10 years.

The bill authorizes more than $37 billion in federal funds for inland waterways projects and is expected to pass the Senate this week and be signed into law by President Biden.
(SOURCE: All Ag News)

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