Lockney High School (Alex Driggars/Floyd County Record)
LOCKNEY – After nearly an entire school year in practice, Lockney ISD Superintendent Jim Baum says the district’s four day calendar has been a success, and that other similarly-sized districts have approached him to find out what has worked… and what hasn’t.
On Thursday evening last week Baum presented year two of the four-day calendar to the Lockney ISD board, and explained some slight changes to the calendar. Teachers will report back to school on August 3, with the first day back for students set for August 16.
Mondays will remain the “off day” for the district, unless circumstances require students to be in place 5 days a week, such as the state’s STAAR tests, or if students need remediation in a subject.
Teachers will also have in-service days on Mondays following the end of a six weeks, and Baum jokingly promised the board he did not overlook holidays on this calendar as he did with Good Friday this year.
Students and staff will have a week off at Thanksgiving, two weeks as Christmas and a March 13-17 spring break.
Graduation for the class of 2023 will be on Friday, May 19.
The board approved the calendar unanimously.