Previous winners Santos and Mary Mariscal present Sammy Silva (center) with the 2021 Lockney Citizen of the Year award during the annual Lockney Chamber of Commerce Banquet on Jan. 15, 2022. (Alex Driggars/Floyd County Record)
LOCKNEY — La Cocina Martinez was honored as Business of the Year and Sammy Silva was named Citizen of the Year at the Lockney Chamber of Commerce’s annual banquet Saturday night.
Back in person this year after going virtual in 2021 due to COVID, the event featured a catered meal from WeekEnds BBQ, music by Lucy Dean Record, door prizes and a keynote speech by KCBD’s Pete Christy.
Vince DiFranco, representing 2020’s outstanding business W.J. Mangold Memorial Hospital and Cogdell Clinic, announced the 2021 winner, La Cocina Martinez.
“These owners are truly dedicated to pleasing their customers,” DiFranco said of the business and owner Melissa Martinez and her husband. DiFranco highlighted how the popular food spot fulfills Martinez’s lifelong dream of owning a restaurant, and he shared with the audience about the family’s propensity for excellence.
“All their food is made fresh daily,” DiFranco said. “They would not serve something they wouldn’t eat themselves and their plates have to look perfect. Their motto is ‘Perfection and presentation are what have your customers coming back.'”
DiFranco also shared about the restaurant owners’ heart for service, noting that the business often donates meals to struggling families and frequently provides burritos for Longhorn athletes.
Following Christy’s keynote, where he shared stories of God’s faithfulness in his life, D’Lyn Morris introduced Sammy Silva as the Citizen of the Year while last year’s winners Santos and Mary Mariscal presented him with a plaque.
Silva, who has worked for Lockney ISD for more than 35 years, has become known for his compassion, listening ear, bright smile and familiar greeting — “Hello, my friend.”
“Much more than caring for the building and facilities, his great interest and concern for students and staff is always evident,” Morris said. “His watchful eye can detect the hurt and distress in a usually bright and cheerful person.”
Morris continued, “Not only is he a loving family man and hard worker, but also a man known for his heart and goodness. A devout believer in Jesus, his faith is lived out in his life in a way that could be summed up in one scripture — Matthew 17:20, which says ‘By their fruits you will know them.'”
2021 Fireman of the Year Johnathan Sustaita was also recognized during the ceremonies.