FUMC Floydada holding time of rememberance this Sunday


One of the most famous verses in the Old Testament book of Ecclesiastes is “A time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance.” On Sunday, First United Methodist Church of Floydada is setting aside a time to mourn those who have died throughout the previous year.

The first Sunday of November is known as All Saints Day in the church year, and it gives churchgoers a chance to remember their loved ones through prayer, song and times of reflection. Because of the nature and expected length of the service, FUMC is making some changes to their normal schedule.

The morning will begin with Sunday School classes at 9:00, followed by a fellowship time for families and friends of those lost in the past year at 10:00. At 11:00 a bell will toll to mark the start of the service, which is expected to last an hour.

Following the service, the church will gather for a potluck meal in the fellowship hall.

Pastor Gary Boles said the main idea for the day is the message from Ecclesiastes. “We wanted families to have the opportunity to have the time to process their loss. Many families may have been unable to have a funeral for their loved ones due to Covid, others may have only been able to hold graveside services. This could give them that closure.”

In addition to the service, family members of those who have died in the past year will be presented with a handmade Christmas ornament as another way to remember their loved ones during the upcoming holidays.

If you are unable to attend, the church will broadcast the service on 900 AM, and on their facebook page. Both broadcasts will begin at 11:00 a.m.

All are welcomed to attend.

If you would like to see a copy of Sunday’s order of worship, CLICK HERE.

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