Hospital Visits Increased in January Along With Expenses
LOCKNEY, TX—While W.J. Mangold and Cogdell Clinic’s volume increased during January, expenses outweighed revenue, leading to a net loss of $96,787. During the most recent meeting of the Lockney General Hospital District, Vince DiFranco explained that hospital

City Council Considers Zoning Request and Firetruck Financing
FLOYDADA, TX—The Floydada City Council meets tonight to consider a recommendation from the Planning and Zoning Committee regarding Oscar Garza’s variance request at 305 E. Crockett Street. The Council will also discuss and possibly take action on

Sunday Morning Head-On Collision in Floydada Injures One
FLOYDADA, TX – One person is recovering today following a head-on collision on U.S. 70 Sunday morning. The accident occurred around 7:55 a.m. at the “Y” when a pickup driving eastbound in the wrong lane collided with

Students and Educators Recognized By Floydada School Board
FLOYDADA, TX – The Floydada School Board approved the hiring of Audelia Olivares Tuesday during a regular meeting of trustees. In addition, they also recognized students and educators during the meeting. AB Duncan Elementary Students of the

Lockney ISD Welcomes New Superintendent with Exciting Leadership Ahead
LOCKNEY, TX—Lockney Independent School District (ISD) is thrilled to announce the appointment of its new superintendent, ushering in a new chapter of leadership and growth for the district. This new leadership figure is expected to bring fresh

Floyd County Under Emergency County Wide Burn Ban
FLOYDADA, TX – Floyd County Judge Marty Lucke has issued a County-Wide Burn Ban with continued drought conditions and high winds expected this week. The ban begins on Tuesday and will be in effect for seven days.

Public Hearing This Morning for Wolf Spring Solar
FLOYDADA, TX—Floyd County Commissioners are meeting this morning for a Public Hearing on establishing the Wolf Spring Solar Reinvestment Zone. The zone’s boundary would be the southeast corner of the county. The Court will also discuss the

Fire Department Responds to Shed Fire in Floydada
FLOYDADA, TX – Volunteers from the Floydada Fire Department, city police, and city employees converged on 718 California on Wednesday afternoon. A call came in at 2:46 PM for a shed fire, prompting the dispatch of first

Local Man in Custody Following SWAT Standoff Saturday
FLOYDADA, TX – Following a nine-hour standoff, a Floyd County man is in custody facing a slew of felony charges. Alberto Guerrero Jr, 38, of Lockney, was wanted on charges of Aggravated Sexual Assault, Unlawful Possession of

SWAT Team and Law Enforcement Working Armed Standoff
FLOYDADA, TX – Local law enforcement and a SWAT team from Lubbock are currently in a situation involving an armed person within the Floydada city limits. A perimeter has been set up around the house on the

Election Clerk Sounds Warning of Potential Voting Changes
FLOYDADA, TX—As the Texas State Legislature considers eliminating the Countywide Poll Place Program, Floyd County Clerk KeeLee Rawls is contacting elected members to explain why the program is important to rural voters, especially in Floyd County. Below

Floyd County Crime Report
(Editor’s Note: All individuals named below are considered not guilty unless deemed otherwise in a court of law.) FLOYDADA, TX – The following is a recent Crime Report from the Floyd County Sheriff’s Office. On January 24th,

Trash Truck Catches Fire, Lockney Service Temporarily Suspended
LOCKNEY, TX – The city’s trash truck is out of service due to an incident on Thursday. A small fire broke out in the truck’s hopper after prohibited items were improperly disposed of. The fire was quickly

City Names City Pool and Adult Softball Coordinators
FLOYDADA, TX—On Tuesday, the Floydada City Council met for twelve minutes to prepare for the 2025 summer season. In a unanimous vote, Council members elected Harvey and Martha Garza as city pool managers for this year. The

Activity Improved in December at Clinic and Hospital
LOCKNEY, TX – The Lockney General Hospital District met last month and reviewed the statistical report for December. In December, hospital and clinic service volumes rebounded from November’s low statistics in many areas. The clinic registered 966

Students Recognized, and Resignations Accepted by School Board
FLOYDADA, TX – Four resignations were accepted last week by the Floydada Collegiate ISD School Board. The trustees accepted the resignations of Corey Davis (Ag Mechanics), Sarah Davis (Food Consumer Science), Nikki Smith (Secondary Counselor), and Breanna

January Floyd County Crime Report
(Editor’s Note: All individuals named below are considered not guilty unless deemed otherwise in a court of law.) FLOYDADA, TX – The following is a recent Crime Report from the Floyd County Sheriff’s Office. On January 2,

Fire Department Responds to Six Calls in January
FLOYDADA, TX – Firefighters in Floydada started the new year by responding to six calls. Luckily, half of those calls were due to a false alarm or a smoke scare, not an actual fire. Unfortunately, one call

Lockney Water Bills Due Today, Disconnection Set for Tomorrow
LOCKNEY, TX — The City of Lockney is urging residents to pay their water bills by 5:00 PM today, January 27, to avoid any penalties or service interruptions. Any outstanding bills after this time will be classified

Little Becomes Newest Member of Floydada City Council
FLOYDADA, TX – Floydada has a new council member following last week’s City Council meeting. The council voted to approve Gail DuBois’s resignation and then unanimously appointed Larron Little to fill the vacancy for District #4. Little

Rawls Takes Helm of Floyd County Clerk’s Office
FLOYDADA, TX – Floyd County has a new County Clerk, KeeLee Rawls. Rawls was recently named Clerk following the retirement of Ginger Morgan. Some of the office’s work includes acting as the Clerk for County Court [Probate,