The Floydada Economic Development Corporation (EDC) provides incentives for local businesses to continue and grow within the community (FCR Photo)
FLOYDADA, TX—The Floydada Economic Development Corporation ended its fiscal year of 2024, assisting with projects ranging from pumpkin processing expansion to donut upgrades. Their 2025 is already shaping up to be just as impactful on the Floydada community, with three grants already approved and multiple more in the pipeline.
The EDC opened its year by greenlighting a project to help Ms. Pauline’s Smoking Salsa expand from a cottage industry-level business to fullscale production, allowing sales to return to local stores. The EDC worked with owner Pauline Cooper and the city to utilize the city’s industrial kitchen space to expand current operations.
On expansion, in 2023, Cornelius Custom Labor and another local business purchased the old Nielson’s Restaurant on Houston Street together. As owner Jordan Cornelius has grown his business in the past two years, the need to add additional equipment and space at the back of the old Nielson’s kitchen has come up. Earlier this year, the EDC approved Cornelius’ application for its Business Improvement Grant to assist with the buildout.
Diners at El Embajador along Highway 62 on the south side of town may have noticed owners Nancy and Barney Reyes had the restaurant closed over the holidays. If you have been inside since they reopened, you will notice new paint, new flooring, and new bathroom fixtures, all done with the assistance of the EDC. The Reyes took the original flooring down to the studs before replacing it. They also walled in a storage area previously open to the restaurant, giving patrons a hallway to the bathrooms that now include new toilets and sinks.
Over the next few weeks, FEDC Director Ryan Crowe will represent city interests in Austin and Washington as opportunities for rural growth continue to be discussed at the state and federal levels.
For more information on the EDC and its grant programs, contact Crowe at (806) 983-4405 or visit the EDC website at FloydadaEDC.com.