Floydada Collegiate ISD Administration Building (Alex Driggars/Floyd County Record)
FLOYDADA, TX – Floydada Collegiate ISD will say goodbye to four employees after last night’s board meeting.
Dixie Everett (3rd Grade Reading), Hannah Morales (6th Grade Math), Detra Njenga (4th Grade Reading/Language Arts), and Joann Rangel (Secondary Cafeteria) all had their resignations accepted during the regular monthly meeting of trustees.
Morales, a former Lady Wind standout athlete (basketball/softball), has accepted the head softball coaching position in Hale Center while Rangel is retiring.
The school board also officially hired a half-dozen new teachers for the 2024-2025 school year. Aaron Noland (Band), Cassie Noland (6th Grade Math), Olga Perez (teaching assistant), Maria Gonzales (3rd Grade Reading), Nathan Martin (Secondary Art), and Diane Wilkiinson (4th Grade Reading).