FLOYD COUNTY, TX – Today is Primary Day across Texas, as the Democratic and Republican parties choose their final candidates for the General Election in November.
However, many local races will be decided today as there is no opposition to candidates running on the Republican ballot.
In Floydada, voters will go to the polls at the Courthouse Annex (125 E. California), while voters in Lockney will vote at the Dove Room (305 N. Main St.).
Cristina Chavarria runs against Priscilla Dehoyas for Floyd County Tax Assissor-Collector in local races. For Floyd County Commissioner Precinct 3, voters will choose between Talon Cruse, Tanner Johnson, and Tanner Rance Young.
For State Representative, Brownfield farmer and business owner Wade Cowan is running against Lubbock attorney Dustin Burrows (incumbent) for House District 83.
Also, for U.S. House Representative District 19, the incumbent, Jodey Arrington, faces three challengers: Vance Boyd from Anson is a rancher; Chance Ferguson is a retired U.S. Marshal from the Abilene area; and Ryan Zink from Lubbock (who has worked in the oil/gas and ag safety industries).
Polls are open today from 7:00 am until 7:00 pm.