Carl’s Cogitations: Blessed New Year


Can you believe it? It is the last day of 2023! And as this year is at its end and a new one is upon us, I have to confess that I fell out of the habit of writing an article for this column every week. That is what happens all too often: we get busy and neglect certain aspects of our lives. One week turns into two weeks, turns into a month, and before you know it, you cannot remember the last time you did something that was a constant, consistent life routine. It is time for me to refocus and reprioritize the 24 hours God blesses me daily.

This year, there is an odd occurrence as the last day of 2023 written out in the common numeric pattern is 12/31/23 or 123123. When I think of 123, I think about the start of something new or the predatory command to begin a difficult endeavor…’ OK, on three, we all lift together and move this over there.’ It also reflects putting things in order: first, second, third, etc. So, as we are on the cusp of a new year, have you reflected on what big endeavors you might tackle in the new year? Have you given any thought to evaluating and prioritizing your life?

It is not too late to determine what great projects, goals, plans, and dreams you will tackle in the new year, but allow me to suggest. As you are dreaming, dreaming of Heaven; as you are planning, plan to be a better servant of God and disciple of Christ; when you are prioritizing your goals, place your relationship with the Father and the Son at the top number one spot; and as you set out to tackle great projects, first tackle getting every aspect of your life right before the throne of God.

If you emphasize these suggestions, 2024 will be a great and blessed year for you. After all, there is no better life than the Christian life. There is no other life that is reassured by better promises. No other life has an eternal joy and peace that, once realized and obtained, can weather any hardship and pass safely through any storm.

I will leave you to contemplate the year ahead and make your plans for the days ahead and the great endeavors you will accomplish with the life God has given you. Are you ready? Set!

1 2 3…GO!

(Carl Hartman is the Minister at Main Street Church of Christ in Lockney)

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