Cattle grazing in Randall County, TX (FCR photo)
PLAINVIEW, TX – The “GRAZE: All Things Livestock Conference” will be held Thursday at the Ollie Liner Center in Plainview, hosted by Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service in Hale and Floyd counties.
Andy Hart and Mark Carroll, AgriLife Extension agriculture and natural resources agents for Hale and Floyd counties, respectively, said this conference is loaded with several top beef cattle experts who will provide information related to forage management and beef health.
This year’s signature sponsor is Browning Seed Inc. of Plainview. Hale County Farm Bureau is the breakfast sponsor, and Plains Land Bank is one of the lunch sponsors.
“The GRAZE conference will have a tremendous group of vendors offering new products with the most up-to-date information to help your operation in the future,” Hart said. “Vendors will provide door prizes to be given away throughout the meeting.”
Topics and speakers will be:
– Value of Utilizing Calving Season and Implants, Jason Smith, Ph.D., AgriLife Extension beef cattle specialist, Amarillo.
– Value of Grazing Cover Crops, Paul DeLaune, Ph.D., Texas A&M AgriLife Research environmental soil scientist, Vernon.
– Sense Hub Feedlot, Bruce Voyles, Merck Animal Health.
– Vaccination Practices with Beef Calves, Juan Pinero, DVM, AgriLife Extension dairy specialist, Amarillo.
– Cow Pregnancy Check Ultrasound Demonstration, Tommy Perkins, Ph.D., West Texas A&M University associate professor of animal science, Canyon.
“Do not miss this high-quality beef cattle program,” Hart said. “The speakers are high-caliber experts who will be happy to answer questions and assist you with any of your beef cattle needs.”
The conference will begin at 8 a.m. The cost of the conference is $45 and includes breakfast, lunch catered by Leal’s, and a conference cap. For registration information, call Audrey Gloyna at 806-291-5267. Registration will be accepted at the event as well.
For more information about these or other agriculture programs, contact Hart at 806-291-5270 or by email at amhart@ag.tamu.edu.
(written by Kay Ledbetter skledbetter@ag.tamu.edu)