Floydada Teacher Set to Re-Retire After 42 Years


Melva Dorman retired in 2018 along with Tommy Rambo. After 42 years as an educator, she will retire again at the end of this school year (courtesy photo)

FLOYDADA, TX – One name that has been a constant in education circles for more than five decades is Melva Dorman.

After teaching science for 30 years in Floydada, she retired in 2018.

She might still have been enjoying retirement, but a call two years ago brought her back into the classroom to teach culinary arts and fashion design at Floydada Collegiate High School.

On Thursday night, however, the Floydada School Board accepted her resignation, and after a total of 42 years in education, Dorman is retiring again.

During their monthly meeting, the Board also accepted resignations from High School principal Dara Ware and Thalia Villa.

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