Seven Sentence Sermon: One Mistake From Catastrophe


We're all one mistake from our own catastrophe (FCR Photo)

Over the past few months, we’ve watched some well-respected people make bad decisions that have had significant repercussions, and it’s interesting to watch how others react – especially those of us in the family of God.

While some will celebrate the downfall of another, others will “kick the dead horse” by adding insults to a situation they are not privy to, as if they know it all.

We need to stop and check ourselves before jumping into the pool of perfectness: especially since each of us has probably made a decision that could have led to our own downfall.

How could King David, in the Old Testament, be called a man after God’s own heart twice and still have such a tragic ending to his life?

After all, he was hungry for God, had a passion for pleasing God, and even is credited with more than 70 of the Psalms: how could he have failed so miserably?

It’s a gentle reminder that we all “have sinned and come short of the glory of God,” and despite that, He still loves and forgives us (even when we don’t forgive ourselves).

So let’s be resolved from this day forward to be aware of the tribulations others are going through, even those that are self-inflicted, and to search for the same kind of love that Jesus has for us – not accepting the sin, but loving the sinner – because we all are just one mistake from our own catastrophe.

(The Seven Sentence Sermon series will feature submissions from those within our community and is open to anyone who wants to contribute. Are you interested? If so, please send an email to to be placed into consideration.)

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