Former Floydada Methodist Pastor Leading West Plains Conference


Former Floydada Methodist Church pastor Les Hall serves as a Presiding Elder for the West Plains Conference of the Global Methodist Church (photo courtesy of WPC-GMC)

LUBBOCK, TX – Many Methodist congregations across West Texas have voted over the past few months to disaffiliate with the United Methodist Church in favor of a “new theologically conservative Methodist denomination steeped in the great ecumenical and evangelical confessions of the Christian faith,” the Global Methodist Church (GMC).

Lockney’s Auggie Aguilera has been chosen to serve on the Transitional Conference Advisory Team to organize the West Plains Conference of the Global Methodist Church, which both Floyd County churches have voted to join.

Auggie Aguilera is pastor of Lockney Methodist Church (photo courtesy of West Plains Conference of the Global Methodist Church)

According to the website, Aguilera and the other members of the Advisory Team are “helping set up our paid leadership, work teams, websites, communication, transition process, and social media” in anticipation of serving more than 100 churches in the Panhandle and South Plains region of Texas.

Former Floydada Methodist Church pastor, Rev. Les Hall, has been chosen to serve as one of three Presiding Elders for the group, along with Rev. Rich Jones (Lead Pastor of Wolfforth Methodist Church) and Rev. Darren Skinner (Amarillo District Superintendent for the United Methodist Church).

Member churches of the West Plains Conference will gather, for the first time, at the Convening Conference Gathering in Lubbock on January 27-28, 2023. The event at LakeRidge Methodist Church will feature two days of worship, prayer, and fellowship.

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