Carl’s Cogitations: Life’s Prize


After many weeks of exploration, we have reached the final part of our journey to solve the riddle of life. At the end of any race, competition, or conflict there is a prize to be gained. Life is a race, a conflict for our eternal existence in which the spirit and the flesh are in conflict on where our soul will spend eternity. Paul elaborates on this mentality an individual should adopt when it comes to approaching life in several letters that he wrote to various congregations of the early Church.
In 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 he compares it to the Olympic event of his day. Here he points out that if an individual truly desires to be victorious and gain the prize at the end of life they must condition themselves for the race of life, for the fight of life and run like there will be only one winner. Think about what Paul is saying here; read over the passage again. What if only one individual, the best Christian, is all that will gain the eternal prize at the end of life? Spend some time reflecting on what you would change about your life as a professional full-time Christian to ensure you would be the one. Fortunately, the prize is there for all who successfully finish the race of life. In perhaps one of the last letters Paul wrote, as he believed the end of his days were coming to a close, he pens these sad but also encouraging words.
“For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing.” (2 Timothy 4:6-8)
What is the great prize that is waiting for us at the end of life? The Scriptures indicate that everyone will receive a prize; a reward…it just might not be the treasured reward they were anticipating. Read over what Paul writes in the following passages: Romans 2:5-11; 2 Thessalonians 1:3-9; and Galatians 6:7-8. As is expressed in these Scriptures; those who live an approvable (good) life in the sight of God will be rewarded with eternal life. However, those who live a life that is not approvable (evil) in the sight of God, they will be rewarded with everlasting destruction.
Which prize are you currently running towards? Spend some time absorbing the commentary that Paul delivers in Philippians 3:15-21. Take time to soak in the full scope of all that Paul is expressing here. Now consider the following four primary points outlined by Paul.
1. We need to be mature and put our lives here in this world in proper perspective in view of what awaits all of us at the end of life.
2. We should hold to the pattern for a good Christian life that has been supplied in God’s Word.
3. Some live as enemies of Christ.
a. Their thoughts are consumed by the evil things of this world.
b. The things they glory in are shameful in the sight of God.
c. They serve only their own desires.
d. In the end they will reap destruction.
4. Those who are the servants of Christ.
a. Their way of life is in heaven.
b. They eagerly wait for Christ’s return.
c. They will join Him in the eternal home.
It is my hope that the thoughts presented over the course of this article series have helped you to understand life a little better. I hope that the insights you have gained regarding your own life will help you find the true purpose, conform to the supreme pattern, realize the power that frees from worry, and has set your feet on the path that leads to the eternal prize of a heavenly home. Reflect often on your life; for in so doing you can continue to make the necessary course adjustments needed to stay in the race that leads to the greatest life of all…the heavenly one.

Carl Hartman is the Minister at Main Street Church of Christ in Lockney

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