Lockney FFA Presents Check to Ford Family. Front Row - left to right Colby Guerrero, Brailey Kidd, Thalia Ascencio, Kaileigh Cook and Ashleigh Hillemeyer Back Row - Bernie Ford, Jenna ‘Ford’ Heflin, Lana Kidd, Edith Cook (Photo/Remington Ricketts FCR)
LOCKNEY, TX – For the entire month of October, the Lockney FFA went throughout the community raising money in honor of longtime teacher and community member, Cindy Ford.
October is recognized as Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and to help bring awareness to this, the FFA wanted to give back to a family that lost a member to cancer.
Mrs. Ford was a schoolteacher for Lockney ISD, where she taught for 34 years, both at the high school and the elementary school.
Lockney’s FFA presented members of the community with the opportunity to donate using flamingos.
These flamingos would go from house to house, with those choosing to participate making a donation to the cause.
The Lockney FFA was able to collect $1,700 from the community and then presented the check to Mrs. Ford’s family.