FLOYDADA – The board of directors for Floydada’s Economic Development Corporation has selected the next Executive Director of the organization. The board voted unanimously last Thursday to offer the position to Ryan Crowe.
Crowe, a Floydada resident and editor of the Floyd County Record accepted the position and adds the new role to his plate, replacing Justin Brown, who left the EDC at the end of July to move with his family to Levelland.
Though Crowe’s first day as the director is Monday, September 12, he will continue his role as Editor for the Record.
Formed in the early 2000s, Floydada’s EDC receives a small tax on sales in the city. It can use the revenues to pay for projects such as business infrastructure, manufacturing, corporate offices, call centers, research facilities, and affordable housing. In addition, the EDC can promote and develop new and expanded business enterprises that create or retain primary jobs.
More information regarding the Floydada EDC is available online here.