FLOYDADA – This summer, FCISD is excited to offer 3 STEM experiences for students in grade 7th-12th!
The purpose of these experiences is to introduce students to various opportunities in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM)! These will be introductory experiences held at the high school on the dates and times listed below.
Students grade 7-12 may sign up to attend.
It is expected that students will be working collaboratively with other students.
All school conduct policies will be expected and enforced.
Registration closes on Monday, June 6th
Block 1: Drone Week Monday – Thursday from 1- 3 pm
6/13 Day 1 : Drone Flight Simulations: rules of the sky
6/14 Day 2 : Basics and pit crew practice
6/15 Day 3 : Practicing and student made competition course
6/16 Day 4 : Competition
Block 2: Maker week Monday – Thursday from 1- 3 pm
6/20 Day 1: Build mbot
6/21 Day 2: Build and program
6/22 Day 3: Practice/student made competition course
6/23 Day 4: Competition
Block 3: Build a FTC Robot week Monday – Thursday from 1- 3 pm
7/11 – 7/14
Registration ends June 6th!
Register here…
The preceding news release was submitted by Floydada Collegiate ISD