May 7 set for sales tax reauthorization vote


(Courtesy: Pixabay)

FLOYDADA – The City of Floydada has set their municipal election date for May 7, the same date Floydada CISD and Lockney’s city and school board elections will be held.

On Floydada’s ballot – reauthorization of the city’s sales and use tax for street maintenance. The current tax will expire in June. The quarter of a cent per $100 tax collected on sales within the city is used for road painting and striping, pothole repair and street cleaning.

City Manager Darrell Gooch says the tax has been in place for a number of years, and helps the city with multiple items that otherwise would have to come much more directly from taxpayers.

Anyone with questions about the tax is welcomed to visit Floydada City Hall or call the city at (806) 983-2834.

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