Floyd County Grand Jury hands down multiple indictments
FLOYDADA – The Grand Jury of Floyd County handed down a number of indictments from recent criminal cases in the county on Tuesday, January 18. The charges are listed below with the defendant’s bond amount in parenthesis.
Grains Council Winter Meeting Will Develop Trade Priorities
GREENVILLE, SC – Attendees at an upcoming conference in February will be focused on developing critical markets, dismantling trade barriers, and serving customers overseas. The U.S. Grains Council’s (USGC) 62nd Annual Membership Meeting is being held in
Driggars: Season in Floyd County was one of the best
A little over a year ago, I sat down in a cramped booth with my dear friends Pam and Tony for coffee at IHOP in Plainview. Every time Tony moved his head, he would brush up against
Whole Milk Consumption Grows, Now Most Popular Variety
ARLINGTON, VA – Dairy producers have been facing a wide variety of challenges over the past 18 months, including another round of COVID-related disruptions to supply chains and schools. Demand, however, continues to grow according to the
Irrigated Farmers Today Using Less Water Per Acre
KANSAS CITY, MO – Though the number of acres of farmland irrigated in the United States has expanded significantly over the past century, the amount of water used, per acre, has actually decreased. In 1969, farmers were