Lockney City Hall (Alex Driggars/Floyd County Record)
LOCKNEY — The Lockney City Council will meet on Tuesday at 7 a.m. and, in addition to its routine business, will hold public hearings for possible condemnation of several properties, consider a variance request and hear from an attorney about redistricting the city’s council districts.
Four properties with buildings that could be considered “dangerous and unsafe” are on the agenda for the public hearings at the following addresses: 207 S.E. Second St., owned by Juan Gutierrez; 110 E. College St., owned by Rosanio Cifuentes Granado and Virginia G. Arellano; 112 E. College St., owned by Maximino Ramirez, Jr.; 110 E. College St., owned by Joann Nunez.
Following the hearings, aldermen have the opportunity to take action on the structures, including deeming that the properties are “dangerous, unsafe, hazardous, and/or constitute a public health hazard” and authorizing the city manager to demolish the buildings.
The council will also hear from attorney Bob Bass of Allison, Bass & Magee, LLP regarding redistricting, consider a variance request for Kenny Hooten to build a fence at 802 W. Willow, approve previous meeting minutes (including a called special meeting on Nov. 23 where the council approved the purchase of software for the police department for $21,700), and the consent agenda.