This first box of COVID-19 vaccines in Floyd County was shipped to Payne Family Pharmacy in January 2021. (Alex Driggars/Floyd County Record)
FLOYD COUNTY — Eleven months after the first doses of COVID-19 vaccines began to arrive in Floyd County, booster shots are now rolling out to folks across the area. Floyd County’s two pharmacies are offering the extra protection to folks who want it.
“We have plenty of doses for everyone,” said Denice Payne, R.Ph., of Payne Family Pharmacy in Floydada. “Since we have plenty of doses, we want to make it available to anyone who wants it.”
Payne Pharmacy began administering booster doses on Wednesday morning; Wilson Family Pharmacy in Lockney has been giving the extra doses since the CDC approved them a few weeks ago.
“If somebody’s 18 and over, we’re not going to discourage them (from getting a booster),” said Brance Wilson, Pharm.D., of Wilson Family Pharmacy in Lockney. “I haven’t denied anybody yet.”
Recipients of the Moderna vaccine need to wait six months since their second dose before receiving a booster. Johnson and Johnson boosters are available two months after the initial dose. Pfizer vaccines are not available at the local pharmacies.
Additionally, CDC recommendations allow for mixing and matching of vaccine types, meaning a booster shot does not necessarily need to be the same as the initial dose(s).
Payne says she’s seen lots of patients already and expects more over the next few days.
“We’ve been full,” Payne said. “But, we will work people in because we want them to get it if they want it.”
Both pharmacies are also currently offering flu immunizations in addition to the COVID shots, and customers can receive a first, second or booster dose of the COVID vaccine and get a flu shot in the same trip.
When it comes down to making the decision to receive COVID vaccines, boosters or flu shots, Wilson says that the vaccines are generally recommended, but taking with a trusted physician is usually a great place to get advice when needed.
“I think talking with your physician is a good idea,” Wilson said. “A lot of times, what they see can be valuable.”
Payne Pharmacy is offering boosters on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday this week by appointment. Wilson Pharmacy is giving boosters during regular business hours. To make an appointment, call Payne Pharmacy at (806) 983-5111. Wilson Pharmacy can be reached at (806) 652-3353.