Floydada Chamber of Commerce hosted their annual Trunk-or-Treat around the Floyd County Courthouse Square on Halloween Night. (Ryan Crowe/Floyd County Record)
FLOYD COUNTY — Throngs of costumed children (and adults) flooded the downtown streets of Lockney and Floydada to participate in Trunk-or-Treat events this weekend.
Lockney held its Trunk-or-Treat on Saturday evening. Following that was the Lockney Elementary School Halloween Carnival.
Sunday, the Floydada Chamber of Commerce held a Trunk-or-Treat event around the courthouse square.
Check out pics from all of these events in our photo gallery below.
Halloween 2021

Lockney Chamber of Commerce distributed candy during their Trunk-or-Treat on Saturday. (Courtesy Photo/Victoria Wright)

Lockney Chamber of Commerce distributed candy during their Trunk-or-Treat on Saturday. (Courtesy Photo/Victoria Wright)

Lockney Chamber of Commerce distributed candy during their Trunk-or-Treat on Saturday. (Courtesy Photo/Victoria Wright)

Lockney Chamber of Commerce distributed candy during their Trunk-or-Treat on Saturday. (Courtesy Photo/Victoria Wright)

Lockney Chamber of Commerce distributed candy during their Trunk-or-Treat on Saturday. (Courtesy Photo/Victoria Wright)

Lockney Chamber of Commerce distributed candy during their Trunk-or-Treat on Saturday. (Courtesy Photo/Victoria Wright)

Lockney Chamber of Commerce distributed candy during their Trunk-or-Treat on Saturday. (Courtesy Photo/Victoria Wright)

Lockney Chamber of Commerce distributed candy during their Trunk-or-Treat on Saturday. (Courtesy Photo/Victoria Wright)